Tag Archives: cat

Autumn Newsletter.

Blocked Bladders – Is It A Pet Emergency?



Blocked Bladders – Is It A Pet Emergency?


Blocked Bladders – Is It A Pet Emergency?


Cats can frequently suffer from cystitis, especially when they are stressed. Understand the signs of stress in your cat here. If your male cat is struggling to urinate or cannot go at all this is a Pet Emergency, do not delay, contact our experienced team for advice and treatment. Knowing when your pet needs to be seen as an emergency is an important decision for many owners. Generally, cats are good at keeping themselves out of trouble but occasionally serious problems do occur – Our blog below gives you a few things to watch out for. 



Blocked Bladder - Is It A Pet Emergency?

Chipping away!


Having your pets microchipped is absolutely vital! It’s not just cats and dogs that we recommend microchipping, rabbits, tortoises and ferrets can sneak away when your not watching! Our Autumn News explains the microchip procedure (don’t worry its really quick and simple!) and how microchips can link you and your pet together should the worst happen!






Arthritis – is your pet affected?


Anyone with arthritis knows that chills can get in your joints, and the same is true for our pets. Our Autumn News discusses the signs of arthritis to watch out for in your pet, although it cannot be cured, there is a wide range of treatment options available to help reduce the soreness and pain. If your older pet has slowed down recently, perhaps they are not going up and down the stairs quite as quick as they used too? A health check with one of our experienced team members will be beneficial for your golden oldie.



Pet Behaviours - How To Overcome Dog Separation Anxiety



We hope our Autumn News has explained some of the challenges that come with the cooler season. If you have any questions on the articles mentioned don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team for more help and advice.


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How Do I Keep My Cat Cool In The Summer And Avoid Heatstroke?

How Do I Keep My Cat Cool In The Summer And Avoid Heatstroke?


It’s usual to see articles warning against the hazards of dogs overheating, but rarely do cat owners find the same advisories available to them. Many assume this is because there simply isn’t the same degree of danger attached to their feline friends getting too hot, but this is not the case.

The reality is that allowing your cat to overheat in hot weather can be terribly detrimental to their health. They may be sun worshippers who adore finding a hot spot to sunbathe in, but although they’re better at coping with soaring temperatures than canines, they’re still highly susceptible to heatstroke, especially during the summer months.

It is not simply uncomfortable or unfortunate for your feline, but a condition that can be fatal. To help you avoid it, here are five top tips for keeping your cat cool this summer…


1. Just like people,

cats need to drink more when it’s hot, so you must always ensure that fresh, cold water is available to them, both inside and out. Bowls placed outdoors ought to be sited in the shade and changed often, whilst those that are inside should be made as appealing as possible by ensuring that they’re kept cool. In very hot weather, this is best achieved by slipping a couple of ice cubes into them at frequent intervals throughout the day.

Feeding wet food is another way to help keep your feline hydrated, although this should not be left down indefinitely or it will attract flies and could cause a stomach upset or food poisoning. Feed them little and often, taking your pet’s dish away once they’ve finished rather than leaving it out for them to pick at.


2. Invest in an elevated bed

We would also advise investing in a raised cooling bed. Good for keeping your cat off surfaces that may heat up, these provide a sleeping set-up that won’t get too hot for them to safely lay on. These should ideally be placed in a cool, shaded area, either indoors or out, with fresh drinking water close by. Lightweight designs are the most versatile as they can be easily moved around, enabling you to always find the best spot to site them in.


3. Close your curtains

Although it’s often cooler inside your home than out, the interior can heat up too, especially when you’re not around to notice and do something about it. Why we recommend making sure that your curtains are closed in sunny south facing rooms. This blocks the sunlight and is, therefore, a great way to keep the temperature down. Remember to keep the windows behind them closed too if it’s hotter outside than in.


How Do I Keep My Cat Cool In The Summer And Avoid Heatstroke?


4. Pay attention to weather warnings

Another useful tip is to pay close attention to weather warnings. The local news will usually be quick to make people aware of especially high temperatures being imminent, typically advising that residents stay indoors and out of the heat for their health. In such conditions, we suggest that you apply the same advice to your feline friends, and keep them inside with you. If this is not possible for some reason, you should ensure that they have access to a well-ventilated area that they can go into of their own accord if the temperatures rise too high.


5. Install a fan

If your house is prone to overheating, we would recommend investing in a fan too, for the days when your furry friend is inside. This will give them somewhere cool to go when it’s hot, in order to avoid them being overcome by heatstroke. It will also allow you to turn off the air conditioning when you go out, thus keeping your energy bills down without endangering your feline’s well-being.

Alternatively, another option is to purchase some netting frames to fit across your windows. These will allow you to leave them open so that air can circulate, without letting your cat get outside during the hottest part of the day.


6. Watch out for signs of heatstroke

Keep your cat safe during the summer months and look out for the signs of heatstrokesome symptoms include: increased pulse and heartbeat, vomiting, glazed eyes and collapsing to name a view. If you feel you cat is showing signs of heatstroke seek treatment at your local vets immediately.

Keep your cat safe this summer by following our six top tips, as well as ensuring that you’re fully familiar with the signs of heatstroke in cats in case it should ever strike. Both your preventative measures and prompt actions could make all the difference to their well-being when the hot weather hits.


We hope you have enjoyed reading this blog post, if you have any concerns about your cat this summer, please do not hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team for help and advice on your pet. Our emergency team are on call until 10 pm, 365 days a year and our telephone lines will always give you access to veterinary advice 24/7.


Blog and images supplied from Zoetis.

Written by Gemma Hopkins BVETMED, CERTVC, MRCVS.


Grass awns – a summer problem to watch out for.

Grass awns – a summer problem to watch out for.

A summer problem – the grass awns of the meadow grasses are easily trapped in the coats of pets, especially dogs. Understand more about the damage these can cause in your pet. Also included in our Summer News – Stick to dog toys! Most vets and nurses have seen stick injuries to dogs, understand the safety of using a dog toy rather than a stick.



Stick to dog toys!

Stick to dog toys!

Dental disease is painful – Could your pet be suffering?

Dental disease is painful, causes tooth loss, and infections can spread throughout the body – potentially causing significant organ damage. Our Summer News explains the signs to watch out for in your pets. The good news is that if gum problems are identified at an early stage, a combination of a scale and polish and ongoing home care can make a real difference to your pet’s oral health.


Gum problems can be treated if they are identified at an early stage,

Gum problems can be treated if they are identified at an early stage.


Keeping cool!

It is vital to ensure your pet keeps cool in hot weather. From sunburn and heatstroke, to flystrike our Summer News offers some top advice on how to keep your pet cool this Summer 2019!


It is vital to ensure your pet keeps cool in hot weather.

It is vital to ensure your pet keeps cool in hot weather.


We hope you enjoying reading our Summer Newsletter. If you need any further advice don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team for further advice.


Have you given us a ‘like’ yet – if not, visit our Facebook page here. You can also Tweet at us and subscribe to our You Tube channel for lots of pet care videos.


Q : Where do fleas go in winter?


Q : Where do fleas go in winter?  A : Your home !


Have you ever wondered where fleas go in winter? Or why sometimes, they just suddenly appear in your home? Our Winter News explains how fleas can hop into your home and make themselves comfortable during the Christmas period! If you don’t want these extra guests in your home over winter pop in and speak to our friendly team about the best protection we can offer your pet and your home.



fleaWhere do fleas go for winter?

Cold weather aches and pains


   Cold winters can make your pet’s joints feel stiff and painful, particularly if they are in their senior years. This can lead to reluctance to go on long walks, getting up a bit slower than usual and signs of lameness. Although arthritis cannot be cured, the good news is that we have an expanding range of treatments to help your pet, and our Winter News gives some top tips on supporting your pet at home. Don’t forget if your pet has been diagnosed with with this painful condition, our Ealing surgery boasts a K Laser which is widely used in human medicine and can be useful in both cats and dogs showing signs of arthritis. K laser is a quick and painless procedure increasing circulation, drawing water, oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area. Speak to our team today about the benefits it could offer your pet.

laser therapy

Garden birds. 


    During the long winter, food can be in short supply. Offering a selection of foods to the birds will help them survive until Spring and ensure that you have lots to interesting visitors to watch! Did you know the best time of day to ensure your bird feeder is full? Our Winter News will give you the answer, along with what food is best for birds and what to avoid. Why not take a picture of your winter visitors and post it to our Facebook page – we love seeing your pictures!


We hope you have enjoyed reading our Winter Newsletter if you have any queries on the articles mentioned or need some advice on your pets healthcare don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team for more advice.

Alabama Rot – an emerging disease


   We are excited to announce that our Autumn newsletter has arrived! Its crammed with advice to help keep your pet healthy this Autumn 2018.


Alabama Rot – an emerging disease

Most dog owners have now heard about the new disease Alabama Rot. Although it is very serious it is also still quite rare but if you own a dog read on, understanding the signs and early treatment could save your pets life.


Conkers, Acorns and rotting fruit 

are a real concern at this time of year. All of these can cause real digestive upset. Our Autumn News, is a 10 minute read for and will explain the Autumn Alerts – to be aware of at this time of year to help you keep your pet safe.




Firework Alert! 

With Fireworks night fast approaching – preparing your pet well in advance for the main event is key.  We’ve listed some of our top tips here to help your pets cope with the fireworks this Autumn season.


Help your pet cope with the fireworks season.

Help your pet cope with the fireworks season.

If you have any questions on the articles mentioned in our newsletter or if you have concerns about your pet, don’t delay contact our friendly team today for more advice today.

What to do if your cat or dog gets lost.


What to do if your cat or dog gets lost.


Did you know it is a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of 8 weeks to be micro chipped. All of our surgeries recommend micro chipping your cats too, as it is the most reliable form of identification and your pet will not be able to lose a micro chip unlike an identity tag or collar. Should your dog disappear out of your garden or your cat missed his usual breakfast appointment, don’t panic. Our vets have put together this blog with some useful hints and tips on what to do if the worst should happen. Hopefully you and your pet will never become separated but its good to know what to do, should the worst happen.


Missing cats and kittens :

Firstly thoroughly search your home, cats are masters of hide and seek and can squeeze into the oddest spaces. If you are sure your feline is not at home, we recommend contacting all of your neighbours, knocking on doors and posting flyers through letterboxes. Curious kittens often get shut in sheds and garages by accident so ask around as your cat could be closer than you think!





Lost dogs and puppies :

Has your dog escaped out of the garden, or slipped out of its collar at your local park? Start by walking an extra lap of the park, squeak their favorite toy and shout their name in a happy cheerful tone, this will hopefully invite them out if they are hiding. Call home, if you have a family member there or a neighbour close by ask them to check around your house – dogs have been known to take themselves home!


Remember do NOT panic. Contact all local vets, animal charities and dog wardens in the area. They may ask you a few questions so try and provide as much information as you can :

A description of your pet – colour, sex, breed, age.

Their microchip number.

What area are they missing from.

Your contact information.

Pet Insurance – 

Your insurance company may be able to provide you with additional help and support with the search of your pet. The small print of your policy may also require that they are notified of lost pets in -case it results in a claim.


Call your pets microchip company –

inform them of the situation and ensure that they have all of your contact information correct and up to date. You may even want to do this TODAY so should you and your pet ever be separated this should help ensure a speedy reunion if your details are up to date.


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Facebook, Twitter and Instagram –

Like it or hate it – social media is a fantastic tool for helping spread the word quickly that your pet is missing. The more people helping with your search the better!


Some top tips from our vets :

If your dog or puppy has not quite mastered recall – work with a dog trainer to improve this. If you have to let your dog off leash do it in an enclosed space and attach a long line to their harness to make catching them easier.


When training your dog to come back as soon as you call them – no matter how long they take, do not punish them. Give them a big fuss and a treat when they come back – if you tell them off they will take even longer to come back next time!


Microchip your pet and ensure that your details are up to date.


If you have a new cat or you are moving house, ensure you keep them inside for at least two weeks. This gives them a chance to settle in and feel ‘at home’. When the time comes for going outside, start off letting them out before you feed them – they are less likely to stray if they are hungry and know where their food bowl is.


Take loads of pictures of your pet – should the worst happen you will have up to date pictures to use on posters and social media.


Neutering your pet – We may rave on about neutering a lot but there are SO many benefits.  Male cats are less likely to fight or stray too far from home. Castrating your male dog reduces testosterone levels which means they will not feel the need to go off in search of a mate. Female dogs can be spooked by other dogs getting ‘over friendly’ with them whilst in season.


Hyperthyroidism in teenage cats.


   Hyperthyroidism is a common disease in teenage cats, sadly sometimes, their symptoms are missed and referred to as just ‘old age’. Overactive thyroid gland – another name for the condition) is something we see quite regularly in older cats, the good news is diagnosis is fairly simple and there are different treatment options available to suit the individual patient.

hyperthyroid cat signs

  The thyroid glands are found in your cats neck, either side of the wind pipe. The glands produce a hormone which controls the body’s metabolism, which is why owners commonly report weight loss as one of the first symptom’s they notice.


If your cat is showing some or all of the above signs – Don’t Panic. The first thing to do is book an appointment with your local vets. The vet will be able to give your cat an all over health and weight check. To diagnose an over active thyroid gland we recommend a blood test, results are prompt and usually back from the lab the next working day.

Results day. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed there are 2 types of treatment that we offer here at Young Vets :

  • A daily dose of medication given at home, (usually tablets) to stop the overproduction of the hormone. If choosing the medication from home option, the owner will need to ensure the cat is receiving the specified dose at regular intervals (the same time each day).


  • An operation to remove either one or both thyroid glands. We would often recommend at least 14 days of medication prior to surgery to help stabilize the hormones but following on from the surgery medication would cease. A speedy recovery is usually followed and the patient can go home either the same or following day.


hyperthyroid cat


  • If left untreated it can lead to blindness, heart conditions and in extreme cases even death.


Following either treatment option, your cats progress will need to be monitored regularly by yourself and your vet but there is no reason your cat should not continue to live a happy, healthy life.

If you have concerns about your teenage cat, don’t hesitate to contact your local Young Vets surgery to discuss your cats case with one of our experienced veterinary surgeons.

Booster time!


Your pet’s yearly check – up and vaccinations and VERY important! These health checks are vital to keeping your pet is fit, healthy and protected from deadly diseases. Both cat, dog and rabbit vaccinations protect from many diseases that your pet can pick up – some of which are fatal.


Matthew Wilson giving a kitten a health check


Don’t forget rabbits! 

Rabbits are becoming highly popular pets. They are social animals who like to live in pairs and groups meaning that neutering your rabbit is essential to preventing pregnancy, fighting and some types of cancers. The benefits of neutering can be applied to most species, if your are un decided whether to neuter your pet read more about the benefits of neutering here.


Parasite alert :

Summer is prime time for your pet to collect hitch hikers – fleas and ticks. Flea problems can quickly multiply, particularly in households with more than one pet. Did you know a single female tick can lay up to 10,000 eggs. Our summer news gives you lots of helpful advice on some of the problems that summer can bring to your pets.


We hope you enjoy reading our Summer News, if you have any questions on the articles featured, do not hesitate to contact our team for further information.


Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube for more free pet advice!


Our 2018 Spring Newsletter has arrived!

Our 2018 Spring newsletter has arrived!

It’s packed with information on how to keep your pets happy and healthy in 2018. Read it here.



Included in our newsletter :


Thyroid problems – Is your pet affected?


Most people have heard of the thyroid gland, but did you know that thyroid problems are surprising in pets? Understand the difference between Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism and the signs to watch out for in your pets.




Lumps and bumps on your pet.


If your pet develops a lump or bump, it is important to visit us so we can check it for you and your pet. Lumps and bumps come in all shapes and sizes, understand more about the causes of these here. Regular grooming is a great way of bonding with your pet and keeping an eye out for anything unusual.


Learn the facts about Kennel Cough!


Kennel cough is highly contagious and can be picked up from virtually anywhere your dog can go – out on walks, training classes, shows and of course boarding kennels. Understand more about this contagious disease and the signs to watch out for in your dog. All four of our surgeries offer the Kennel Cough vaccine, please contact us for further information.


Microchips matter!


Is your pet microchipped? Did you know it is a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of 8 weeks old to be microchipped. In the event that your dog is not, you could be liable for a £500 fine. Sadly it’s all too easy for pets to go missing and if this happens it could mean weeks of worry. However microchips are a reliable record of identifying your pet and its address, read our newsletter to find out more about microchips.




As the weather warms up, we’ve put together some top tips to help you keep your pets happy and health, read our newsletter here.


Read our 2017 Winter Newsletter here


Have a read below for a sneak peak on whats included! We hope you enjoy reading our latest Newsletter and if you have a questions regarding any of the articles do not hesitate to contact our friendly team.


How healthy are your dog’s eyes? 

Your dog’s eyes should be open, sparkly-clear and free of discharge or excessive tearing. In our Winter Newsletter learn about the three most common eye disorders and the signs to watch out for. Early diagnosis is the ‘golden rule’ with eyes, so don’t delay! If your pet is showing any symptoms of eye problems, make an appointment for your pet today.


Festive alert:

The festive season can also pose a huge range of very tempting hazards for our pets! From chocolate to tinsel read our Newsletter today and learn the hazards that may be in your home this festive season.


Worming worries – is your pet affected? 

Unlike infectious disease that we can vaccinate against, your pets are in all likelihood continually coming into contact with worms. Before we look at prevention, it’s useful to know your ‘enemy’. Read our Winter Newsletter and learn the three main types of worms that pose a risk to your pets.


Pets on Tour! 

Are you planning on taking your dog on holiday with you in the near future? It’s great that they can now join us abroad but it does mean you have to plan ahead. Our Winter Newsletter explains the requirements needed to travel with your pets from Pet passports to Rabies vaccinations.


We hope you enjoy reading our 2017 Winter Newsletter, if you have any questions on any of the articles please do not hesitate to contact your local surgery.