Tag Archives: cats

What to do if your cat or dog gets lost.


What to do if your cat or dog gets lost.


Did you know it is a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of 8 weeks to be micro chipped. All of our surgeries recommend micro chipping your cats too, as it is the most reliable form of identification and your pet will not be able to lose a micro chip unlike an identity tag or collar. Should your dog disappear out of your garden or your cat missed his usual breakfast appointment, don’t panic. Our vets have put together this blog with some useful hints and tips on what to do if the worst should happen. Hopefully you and your pet will never become separated but its good to know what to do, should the worst happen.


Missing cats and kittens :

Firstly thoroughly search your home, cats are masters of hide and seek and can squeeze into the oddest spaces. If you are sure your feline is not at home, we recommend contacting all of your neighbours, knocking on doors and posting flyers through letterboxes. Curious kittens often get shut in sheds and garages by accident so ask around as your cat could be closer than you think!





Lost dogs and puppies :

Has your dog escaped out of the garden, or slipped out of its collar at your local park? Start by walking an extra lap of the park, squeak their favorite toy and shout their name in a happy cheerful tone, this will hopefully invite them out if they are hiding. Call home, if you have a family member there or a neighbour close by ask them to check around your house – dogs have been known to take themselves home!


Remember do NOT panic. Contact all local vets, animal charities and dog wardens in the area. They may ask you a few questions so try and provide as much information as you can :

A description of your pet – colour, sex, breed, age.

Their microchip number.

What area are they missing from.

Your contact information.

Pet Insurance – 

Your insurance company may be able to provide you with additional help and support with the search of your pet. The small print of your policy may also require that they are notified of lost pets in -case it results in a claim.


Call your pets microchip company –

inform them of the situation and ensure that they have all of your contact information correct and up to date. You may even want to do this TODAY so should you and your pet ever be separated this should help ensure a speedy reunion if your details are up to date.


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Facebook, Twitter and Instagram –

Like it or hate it – social media is a fantastic tool for helping spread the word quickly that your pet is missing. The more people helping with your search the better!


Some top tips from our vets :

If your dog or puppy has not quite mastered recall – work with a dog trainer to improve this. If you have to let your dog off leash do it in an enclosed space and attach a long line to their harness to make catching them easier.


When training your dog to come back as soon as you call them – no matter how long they take, do not punish them. Give them a big fuss and a treat when they come back – if you tell them off they will take even longer to come back next time!


Microchip your pet and ensure that your details are up to date.


If you have a new cat or you are moving house, ensure you keep them inside for at least two weeks. This gives them a chance to settle in and feel ‘at home’. When the time comes for going outside, start off letting them out before you feed them – they are less likely to stray if they are hungry and know where their food bowl is.


Take loads of pictures of your pet – should the worst happen you will have up to date pictures to use on posters and social media.


Neutering your pet – We may rave on about neutering a lot but there are SO many benefits.  Male cats are less likely to fight or stray too far from home. Castrating your male dog reduces testosterone levels which means they will not feel the need to go off in search of a mate. Female dogs can be spooked by other dogs getting ‘over friendly’ with them whilst in season.


Hyperthyroidism in teenage cats.


   Hyperthyroidism is a common disease in teenage cats, sadly sometimes, their symptoms are missed and referred to as just ‘old age’. Overactive thyroid gland – another name for the condition) is something we see quite regularly in older cats, the good news is diagnosis is fairly simple and there are different treatment options available to suit the individual patient.

hyperthyroid cat signs

  The thyroid glands are found in your cats neck, either side of the wind pipe. The glands produce a hormone which controls the body’s metabolism, which is why owners commonly report weight loss as one of the first symptom’s they notice.


If your cat is showing some or all of the above signs – Don’t Panic. The first thing to do is book an appointment with your local vets. The vet will be able to give your cat an all over health and weight check. To diagnose an over active thyroid gland we recommend a blood test, results are prompt and usually back from the lab the next working day.

Results day. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed there are 2 types of treatment that we offer here at Young Vets :

  • A daily dose of medication given at home, (usually tablets) to stop the overproduction of the hormone. If choosing the medication from home option, the owner will need to ensure the cat is receiving the specified dose at regular intervals (the same time each day).


  • An operation to remove either one or both thyroid glands. We would often recommend at least 14 days of medication prior to surgery to help stabilize the hormones but following on from the surgery medication would cease. A speedy recovery is usually followed and the patient can go home either the same or following day.


hyperthyroid cat


  • If left untreated it can lead to blindness, heart conditions and in extreme cases even death.


Following either treatment option, your cats progress will need to be monitored regularly by yourself and your vet but there is no reason your cat should not continue to live a happy, healthy life.

If you have concerns about your teenage cat, don’t hesitate to contact your local Young Vets surgery to discuss your cats case with one of our experienced veterinary surgeons.

Keep your pets safe this Easter.

Did you know that chocolate is one of the most common poisonings that vets see in dogs.

With Easter just around the corner this can bring lots of hazards into your home. Scroll down to keep reading and keep your pet safe this Spring season.



Daffodils are toxic to both cats and dogs. The whole plant is toxic, especially the bulbs. Please see the above picture for the symptoms to watch out for. Be particularly careful if your dog likes digging holes in the garden, as he could easily dig up and chew a bulb. If you are worried please do not hesitate to contact our team.



If you think your dog has eaten chocolate, please call our experienced team for advice. We will ask you a few questions about your pets type, age, weight and how much and the type of chocolate that your dog has consumed. All of this information is vital for us to understand how severe the condition could be.

The symptoms of chocolate poisoning are vomiting, diarrhoea, trembling, restlessness and excessive thirst and in more severe cases seizures and heart attacks. If you suspect your pet has eaten chocolate, please do not delay, contact us for further advice. Our vets are on call until 10 pm, 365 days a year and between 10 pm – 7 am our phones will give you access to veterinary advice and a local emergency veterinary clinic if required.

Theobromine is the main ingredient in chocolate which causes the poisoning and can start with signs of your pet becoming very hyper active. The content of it varies in different chocolates, dark chocolate is roughly 9 x higher in theobromine than milk chocolate. As a rough guide – if a dog eats more than 1mg per kilogram body weight of dark chocolate, it can be poisonous and will require immediate treatment. So an average Labrador would need to eat 30 grams or more of dark chocolate to be poisonous.

** Please note ** This is a rough guide. If you have any concerns do not hesitate to call our team.

Always keep chocolate out of reach from all pets, as it is potentially poisonous to cats, and other animals such as rodents and rabbits too.


Picture credits : International Cat Care.

If you are thinking of buying flowers for Easter this year, please consider the pets in your home. Lilies are extremely toxic to cats and can cause liver damage. The toxins can be picked up by your cat in many ways : Drinking from the vase, brushing against the lilies and then grooming themselves and also grooming their paws and claws if they have touched the plant.



Make mine chocolate!

This Easter, please don’t buy a rabbit on impulse. A rabbits average lifespan is around 5 – 10 years. They require vet visits, yearly vaccinations, daily attention and exercise. They are not ‘low maintenance’ pets and need as much care as a cat or dog as well as regular company from both yourself and a bunny friend. If you are considering getting a rabbit please have a read through our Rabbit Care Guide and look into adopting from a local rescue. On average rabbits are dumped or abandoned within 3 months of ownership and approximately 35,000 rabbits are abandoned every year according to the RSPCA. Please do not hesitate to contact our team if you need to know more about rabbit care and whats involved.

Our opening times over the Easter period are Friday 30th March all surgeries are closed apart from our Ealing surgery, which is open for EMERGENCIES ONLY between 10 am – 11 am. Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April opening hours are as normal. Monday 2nd April our surgeries are closed, apart from Ealing which is open for  EMERGENCIES ONLY between 10 am – 11 am. We hope you wont need to contact us but just in case our phone lines will give you access to veterinary advice 24/7.

Wishing all our clients and their pets a very Happy Easter – Anthony Young, Matthew Wilson & all the team at Young Veterinary Partnership.

Our Autumn Newsletter 2017

Our Autumn Newsletter for 2017 is here! 


Autumn Awareness.

Autumn is a truly beautiful time of year, however there are some things pet owners need to be aware of to keep their pets happy and healthy. Firstly, turning on the central heating means our homes become the ideal environment for fleas! Make sure you continue to treat your pets and protect your home from fleas and ticks. Ticks thrive when the weather id still mild, but moist. They particularly enjoy living in areas with livestock, and where undergrowth is thick, they wait and jump onto any passing pets. Ticks can spread a number of diseases and some can be fatal, learn more about ticks and how to stop them attaching to your pet HERE.


Toxic Alert!

Cars often have anti freeze added to their engines around this time of year, unfortunately cats find it highly tasty, despite the fact it is highly toxic!


A word in your ear.

Did you know ear disease in pets is very common and a regular problem that we see here at Young Vets in both cats and dogs. Read our newsletter to learn the signs to watch out for in your pet. To prevent or reduce ear problems it is important to promptly identify the cause and start treatment as soon as possible, to avoid long term damage.


Do fireworks put your pets in a fizz?

Fireworks is not just one night anymore, it seems to be a ‘season’ which can be extremely stressful for some pets. However there are many ways to help prepare, reduce and even prevent anxiety in your pet. Read our NEWSLETTER for some top tips on how to help your pets through fireworks season and don’t forget preparation BEFORE the events start can be key to helping your pet!


Arthritis Alert – is your pet affected?

As the weather cools down, arthritis signs can become more noticeable particularly in older pets. Read our NEWSLETTER and learn more about this painful condition and what to look out for in your pet. We have different options of treatment available for pets with arthritis. If you suspect it, do not hesitate contact our friendly team for help and advice.


Read our Autumn newsletter TODAY! 

Is your pet due a trip to the vet?


We want your pet to be as happy to see us as we are to see them!

  • One of the first things to help create this trust is to drop in, particularly when your pet is young. If you need a reason, our nurses and reception team love cuddles with your puppies and kittens and usually have a spare treat or two for them. We also offer free weight checks, this allows us to keep a record ensuring they’re growing up and gaining weight as they should be.

  • If you are nervous about the visit don’t be! Our staff are highly experienced and have seen and heard it all. If it concerns you then please ask us , no question is too silly. Remain calm and ‘normal’ as your pet will pick up on any anxiety you may be feeling. 

  • When visiting with cats we strongly recommend travelling your cat in a secure carrier not in your arms, even the calmest of cats can get stressed. If you have time, leave your carrier out a few days before your appointment, so your cat can climb in without being rushed. Try leaving a few treats and toys inside to tempt an investigation! Placing a towel over your carrier in the waiting room can help anxious cats  if you need one just ask us.

  • When travelling with dogs Invest in a doggie ‘seat belt’ or secure caged area of your car. If your dog suffers car sickness travel them on an empty stomach. Allow plenty of travel time so you are not rushed or late. Please keep your dog by your side in the waiting room. A vet practice can be a stressful place for pets and your laid back family dog could become stressed and snappy towards other.

  • Practice ‘vet checks’ at home. Your pet is never to young or old to do this training: Gently look inside your pets eyes and ears, teeth and mouth, practice lifting each paw in turn and nail clipping this is something that can be done at home. Read out our free guide on nail clipping> Cats and Dogs. Feel your pet all over from toe to tail. Spend 5 minutes a day practising the ‘all over’ handling and your pet will find an examination ‘normal’, when they come to us.

  • If you are coming in for a specific problem i.e. behaviour or tummy troubles write a diary of events and problems. Try to include what foods they’ve eaten, treats, where they have been park , swimming, times of day all of these things may be useful when finding a diagnosis.

  • Please ask our vets to write notes for you to take home if you are concerned you may not remember something that was mentioned or bring a friend or family member for help and support.


We do our very best to ensure that you are seen on time at you appointment time but emergencies and unpredictable cases can happen so please bear with us. Our reception team will endeavour to keep your updated if the consultations are running a few minutes late.

feline. cat. Xena.

Helping the older cat in your household.


Looking after your golden oldies.

Did you know that by the time your cat reaches 1 year of age it is the equivalent of around 15 human years! With improvements in nutrition, veterinary care, medicine and knowledge from the public, cats like most pets are living longer healthier lives but can still suffer the effects of old age. Read on to find out the signs to watch out for and how to help your older feline friend.

What to watch out for:

– They may meow more loudly than before this could be due to hearing loss. Bad breath, drooling and or change in eating habits, portion size and/or dropping food can be a sign of dental disease, don’t forget to keep an eye on the amount they are drinking too.

– Sensitivity to bright lights can be due to a decline in your cats vision.

– Your feline friend may also become less active due to arthritis so keep an eye out for sharper claws, we can easily clip your cats nails in a consultation and show you how to do it at home too.

– Just like humans, they can loose their sense of taste and smell which can cause them to go off their food which is why it is important to visit us at least once a year to keep an eye on their weight and general body condition.

As we all know cats are the King’s and Queens of the Household and we are just their servants, this means they are extremely self reliant and masters of hiding their pain. Sadly this can mean that conditions like dental disease and arthritis can go unnoticed for a period of time. If your cat is slowing down or losing their appetite don’t ignore the signs, give our friendly team a call for some advice and to book a check up.

How to help your cat into old age 

If their favourite sunshine spot is on a high window ledge, make them a half way step to help their joints perhaps a chair or coffee table to help them up?

In winter time make sure their bed is extra cosy and warm for them to snuggle into,

cold bones = old bones.

Make sure they have regular weight and health checks.

If you have a multi cat household make sure the golden oldies have a quiet space to hide in.

Keep your pets microchip details up to date if something happens whilst they are out & about is your mobile number up to date on the records?

If you think your cat may be loosing her sense of smell try warming up the wet food, this can make it more appealing.

Grooming (particularly long haired coats) your cat will help strengthen your bond and older cats generally enjoy a gentle groom with a soft brush or comb.

Regular nail clips to ensure brittle nails do not get caught in furniture.

Try buying the smellier food such as salmon or tuna to help tempt their appetite.

If you have any concerns no matter how small do not hesitate to mention them to one of our team so we can help you care for your golden oldie.